Expert Services

The Market Reative Index for The United States "Copyright"

Muir Construction Cost Index


Mr. Muir's extensive specialized education and three decades of experience mastering his craft, and the results produced by the patent protected 'Muir Construction Cost Index' means we can offer second to none consulting services and reports.
Whether to update an old budget, predict current or future costs, reverse engineer costs, provide litigation and claim support, or any other cost analysis, please feel free to contact us.
Mr. Muir also owns the protected 'National Building Benchmarx' estimating line of products. Initially consisting of two budgeting Apps first listed on the apple i-tunes store over a decade ago. The first calculated budgets for over forty types of buildings all over the USA, the second did the same for building remodels. Both Apps produced over 30,000 results. This system is now in-house and it's part of our intellectual property and advantage, allowing us to assist in Master Planning and development of budgets all over the USA.


Contact / Inquiries:




P: 650 921 2635 (USA)


P: 011 650 921 2635 (International)


Data, Graphics & Reports tailored for the US Market.

Cost Escalation Reports


Time specific for costs or budget prediction and adjustment.

Litigation Support


'Market Reactive' trend analysis and graphics clearly illustrating change in cost escalation over time, providing your team strength.

Peer Review / Masterplanning Budgeting


Peer review of escalation & markups based upon economic analysis, and Masterplanning / development of new budgets.

©Muir Construction Cost Index 2023 All Rights Reserved



