Materials Escalation

The Market Reative Index for The United States "Copyright"

Muir Construction Cost Index


The 'Muir Construction Cost Index' uses a Patent protected system and methodology to calculate cost escalation in construction materials, and then to develop an industry Construction Material Cost Index. While anyone can access the PPI Indices for tracking prices its what we do after that to develop our Indexes that we have protected.
The term materials refers to construction products, materials & equipment. The equipment in the material index relates to plumbing, mechanical and electrical equipment that is installed as part of an operational building. 
The 'Muir Materials Cost Index' tracks over 40 PPI Sub-Indices that have relevance to products in the building construction industry. Meticulous work is undertaken by sifting through the entire PPI system that tracks price and cost movements for all industries covering over 500 products and close to 700 hundred pages in an unknown web address on-line. A large cross section of the construction industry is tracked on a regular basis as part of developing the Index.
The index takes an average of all materials tracked and analyzed at regular intervals to arrive at a reputable and real industry metric.
The graphs below show the change in prices of materials as a percentage over time. They show the percentage change since May 2020 (The Pandemic). The last bar shows how much the costs as a percentage have changed since the pandemic. The advantage of these graphs is they show the cost trends in each material.


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